Payment must be made via BACS
BACS info -
Name - Diva Weddings and Events Ltd. ||| Bank - Barclays ||| Acc Number - 73194965 ||| Sort Code - 20-39-64
Terms and Conditions
Exhibition Stands are secured when booking form and payment is made and you have received a confirmation email from DWF
In the event that you pay your stand and we are full for your category - you will receive an immediate full refund.
Payments are strictly non refundable or transferrable between shows.
Stands are also not permitted to be sold or given for no charge to any other company or supplier.
DIVA Wedding Fayres reserves the right to cancel your space at any time. In the unlikely event of this - a full refund will be given.
If the show is cancelled or postponed - an alternative date will be given and the booking transferred. If transfer to the next show at the same venue isn't possible you have the option to move to any of our other shows, or opt for a full refund.
By filling in the booking form above I understand that I have booked a space at The Hereford Wedding Show at the Left Bank and am therefore liable to make payment for the show.
Your stands must be ready 15 minutes before the doors open and we ask you to refrain from taking down your stands before the allocated closing time - unless one of DWF team members agrees.
Outside Exhibitors will not have access to chairs, tables or electricity.
We cannot guarantee the amount of brides that show on the day however extensive advertising campaigns are put in place for the day to ensure success for all.
I hereby agree to the above terms and conditions and understand that my exhibition is not secured until full payment is made and booking form is received and confirmed. I also understand that payments are non transferrable between shows and non refundable.
Clicking the box in the booking form confirms the above.