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Can't make the show but want to join in the fun? Here's your options...

The DIVA Directory

Want to be seen by every bride and every groom that attends ALL our wedding shows - for the cost of one show? 


Expand your brand TODAY and join The DIVA Directory - click for full info and to sign up today. 



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Goody Bags

We provide goody bags for every engaged couple at all of our fayres. Its a great, and very cheap, way to directly get to your target market. We must receive all cards/leaflets/items 3 weeks prior to each show.

* Goody Bags - £15 for 100, can be leaflets, cards, treats or anything else you wish to showcase. This is your chance to stand out. 

* VIP DIVA BRIDE Goody bags – only 25 – assigned before the event to be collected on the day – FREE.

These must have some sort of voucher, or actual “thing” to go in the bags for the VIP Divas.




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